Disclosure Policy

Basic Policy for Information Disclosure

Nankai Electric Railway Co., Ltd. (hereinafter "the Company") believes that one of our most important duties is increasing management transparency, along with legal compliance, as a company widely trusted by society under its clearly defined Corporate Philosophy that adapts to the times. In accordance with this belief, we will continue to disclose corporate information in a fair, accurate, and timely manner to our shareholders, investors, and other stakeholders.

Standards for Information Disclosure

The Company ensures timely and appropriate disclosure of corporate information in accordance with the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and other applicable laws and regulations, as well as the rules on timely disclosure stipulated by the Tokyo Stock Exchange (hereinafter "the Timely Disclosure Rules").


Even if the information does not fall under these disclosure requirements, the Company will proactively disclose any information that may affect investment decisions and may be useful for deepening understanding of the Company.

Methods of Information Disclosure

Information that requires disclosure under the Timely Disclosure Rules is registered in the Timely Disclosure Network (TDnet) provided by the Tokyo Stock Exchange, which then is supplied to news media through such means as holding press conferences and distributing materials. The information disclosed under the Timely Disclosure Rules will also be promptly made available on our website.


The Company will also disclose any information that may affect investment decisions as fairly and widely as possible on the Company's website and by other means.

Internal Systems for Timely Disclosure of Corporate Information


    Appointment of a Chief Information Officer

    The Company assigns administrative duties related to timely information disclosure to the General Affairs and Public Relations Department and appoints the Corporate Officer, Head of Secretarial Department and General Affairs and Public Relations Department as "Chief Information Officer," and strives to reliably identify and strictly manage important corporate information specified in the Timely Disclosure Rules.


    Identifying information within the Company
    The General Affairs and Public Relations Department is responsible for the Secretariat of the Board of Directors and the Group Top Committee (Management Committee), where important matters are discussed and reported. The department responsible for information that falls under (or may fall under) the important corporate information shall report such information (the Group Management Department shall report subsidiary information) to the General Affairs and Public Relations Department so that it can reliably identify important corporate information specified in the Timely Disclosure Rules.


    Timely and appropriate information disclosure
    The General Affairs and Public Relations Department, in consultation with the Finance & Accounting Department, determines the necessity of timely disclosure of relevant information. If it is determined that timely disclosure is necessary, the Company prepares disclosure materials by receiving advice and guidance from auditing firms as necessary, and promptly discloses the information after the decision or report is made at the Board of Directors' meeting, etc.

Prevention of Insider Trading

In order to strictly manage corporate information and prevent insider trading, the Company has established the Internal Information Management and Insider Trading Regulations and has been working to familiarize all directors and employees with the Regulations. In addition, the Company is working on awareness raising and enlightenment activities about the importance of information management and timely disclosure through in-house training and posting on the intranet.

Quiet Period

From the perspective of preventing leakage of financial results information and ensuring fairness, the Company has set a quiet period that begins on the day following the account closing date of each quarter and ends on the day of the announcement of financial results for the said quarter. During the period, in principle, we refrain from making responses to any questions and comments concerning the financial results.

However, if the actual results are expected to significantly deviate from the previously announced earnings forecasts, we disclose such information as necessary in accordance with the Timely Disclosure Rules even during the quiet period.

Basic Policy for Dialogue

    From the perspective of achieving sustainable growth and improving corporate value over the medium to long term, we will consider and implement various measures to promote constructive dialogue with shareholders and investors.

    The director in charge of investor relations (IR) supervises dialogue with shareholders and investors, and the Sustainability Promotion Department, which is the department in charge of IR, strives to actively promote IR activities using various opportunities, such as financial results briefings and interviews.
    In addition, in order to promote dialogue, related departments within the Company will actively cooperate with each other in preparing disclosure materials, sharing information, and other operations.

    For shareholders, we seek to promote understanding of the Company's business situation and enhance dialogue by actively providing information and making careful questions and answers at shareholders' meetings as well as through the publication of shareholder newsletters and other information booklets.
    For institutional investors, we explain our business strategies, business activities, and business performance through semi-annual financial results briefings, seminars hosted by securities companies, etc., and strive to enhance dialogue through small meetings, conferences, and other opportunities.

    Through the above efforts, we will endeavor to feed back opinions from shareholders and investors to internal stakeholders, including management, as appropriate by regularly reporting at meetings of the Board of Directors and other means to appropriately reflect them in our corporate activities.

Forward-Looking Statements

Information disclosed by the Company includes earnings forecasts as well as forward-looking statements on strategies, business plans, etc., which are based on the information available at the time of preparation of such statements. Therefore, please be aware that such forward-looking statements may differ materially from actual results depending on changes in economic conditions, market trends, and other factors.


In principle, the Company will not make any comments on opinions, earnings forecasts, etc. made by third parties. However, if we determine that there is a serious misunderstanding or error, we may point out that fact.

Response to Market Rumors

If it is recognized that market rumors about the Company's Group will have a significant impact on the capital market, or if we receive inquiries from the Tokyo Stock Exchange or other institutions, we will respond appropriately in accordance with the standards and methods stipulated by the Company.