Deepening our environmental management
Initiative guidelines
Compared to other means of transport, trains are said to be more environmentally friendly, and the CO2 emitted to carry one person over one kilometer is approximately one-fifth* that of privately owned cars. Our Group has been contributing to the development of local communities and the reduction of environmental stress, by establishing a public transport network mainly around railways, and promoting community-building with stations at the center linking them to the public transport network, as well as related businesses and environmental preservation activities.
For environmental management, aside from thoroughly complying with environmental laws and regulations, we aim to thoroughly implement our voluntary environmental management system at the level required by ISO 14001 and improve the disclosure of environmental information. For actions against climate change, we agree to implement TCFD recommendations and will enhance our management and disclose information in accordance with the recommendations.
Deepening our environmental management requires each and every employee to maintain and improve their environmental awareness. Therefore, we have been developing a corporate culture to encourage employees to autonomously participate in and contribute to environmental activities and activities to vitalize the areas along our railway lines. We do this not just with employee training but also through other means, such as managing our own system to certify and award employees who actively and voluntarily work on environmental activities with high environmental awareness.
*Source: The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism website (carbon emissions in the transportation division)
Supporting recommendations from the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
response to climate change and Supporting recommendations from the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
We have set “stopping global warming” as part of the Nankai Environmental Vision 2030 and are implementing measures to save greenhouse gas emissions.
The average temperature has risen worldwide, causing extreme high temperatures and more frequent rainfalls and floods and creating what we can call a climate crisis. In view of this, we have launched initiatives to enhance our risk management while incorporating the projected impact of climate change on our businesses, and incorporating the measures into our business strategy. In September 2021, we agreed to the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)* that aims to reduce the risk of the financial market being destabilized by climate change.
Click here to see the information disclosed according to the recommendations.

*Established in 2015 by the Financial Stability Board, an international organization. It advises companies on how to evaluate their own business risks and opportunities caused by climate change, to understand the financial impact, and to disclose relevant information.
Nankai Electric Railway Group Medium-term Environmental Goals (FY2021 to FY2024)
To achieve the Nankai Environmental Vision 2030, we have set medium-term environmental goals, including key measures and targets to be achieved.
We carried out various initiatives to achieve our medium-term environment goals and were able to generally achieve the targets in FY2022.
Environmental issues | Medium-term environmental goals and major policies (Targets to be achieved by FY2024) | Results for FY2022 (Achievement targets for FY2022) | Evaluation | Achievement targets for FY2023 | Relevant SDGs |
1. Suppression of climate change | Reduction of Nankai Group CO2 Energy-saving and renewal of Promote energy conservation measures Effective use of energy in newly | Results of CO2 emissions for FY2022 | ◎ | 30% reduction of CO2 emissions | ![]() ![]() |
Utilizing renewable energy Introducing and utilizing renewable energy | Considering the introduction | 〇 | Introducing renewable energy to real | ![]() ![]() | |
2. Bringing about a circular society | Preparation for the creation Detailing business models for | Joined the “SENBOKU Smart City Consortium” Conducting the NANKAI On-demand bus | 〇 | Planning and coordination of | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Promotion of the effective use 5% reduction of water intake 3% increase of waste recycling rates 70% reduction of paper used | 3.2% reduction of water intake 2.7% increase of waste recycling rates 59% reduction of paper used at the head office | 〇 | 4% reduction of water intake 2% increase of waste recycling rates 70% reduction of paper used at the | ![]() ![]() | |
3. Preserving biodiversity | Preservation of biodiversity Creation of the “Tanagawa Biotope” Fully informing all suppliers of Organization of public events | Conducting maintenance and management of the Establishment of the Nankai Group Material Organization of public events (Done four times a | 〇 | Conducting maintenance and Issuing requests for cooperation from Organization of public events (four | ![]() ![]() |
4. Deepening our environmental management | Climate change risk analysis Information disclosure in line CDP rating of A- (climate change) | Conducting scenario analysis and disclosing Actual CO2 emissions in FY2021 (Scope 1 and 2) CDP rating of B (climate change) | 〇 | Expansion of the scope of TCFD CDP rating of B (climate change) | ![]() |
Starting the voluntary operation of Voluntary operation of an | Transitioned to voluntary operation from April 2022 Conducted external audits at two | 〇 | Enhanced voluntary operation of the Conducted external audits at two | ![]() ![]() | |
Reinforcing employee awareness 100 ECOnist certifications, Establishing management systems | 264 ECOnists certified [100 people], 57 ECOnists Implemented environmental law and regulation | 〇 | 100 ECOnist certifications, 35 ECOnist Conducting environmental surveys of | ![]() ![]() | |
5. Expansion of green buildings | Expanding environmental Obtaining environmental certifications | Obtaining three stars of DBJ Green Building | 〇 | Obtaining green building | ![]() ![]() |
6. Appropriate information communication | Issuing the Integrated Report Creation of Integrated Reports 「Enhancement of the “KPI progress” | Issuing the Integrated Report 2022 | ◎ | Issuing the Integrated Report 2023 | ![]() |
Others | Conducting various Acquisition and utilization of | Revised and approved project plan to expand Conducted a carbon offset tour organized by Nankai | 〇 | Planning to conduct verification | ![]() ![]() |
◎:Achieved and exceeded targets 〇:Achieved targets △:Did not achieve targets
Improving employees’ environmental awareness
Organizing environmental training
We provide environmental management training to people in managerial positions. We also conduct environmental law and regulation training with a focus on recent law amendments, which is also available to Group companies.
Encouraging employees to take the Certification Test for Environmental Specialists (Eco Test)
We encourage employees to take the Certification Test for Environmental Specialists (Eco Test) (sponsored by the Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry) and have been subsidizing the examination fees and other expenses since FY2008 for those who successfully pass the test. This is to encourage employees to acquire or relearn basic knowledge on environmental issues and raise awareness for activities to reduce environmental stress. In FY2008, only four employees obtained Eco Test certificates but thanks to continuous employee awareness-raising activities, the number rose to 413 in FY2022.
The number of employees who have obtained ECOnist certifications

ECOnist Program
We adopted a unique ECOnist Program on April 1, 2014 and have worked on it continuously. An ECOnist is an employee with high environmental awareness who takes the initiative to actively participate in environmental activities. The initiative started from the need to transform awareness and alleviate the severe management environment that we are in. We have set two major purposes as environmental measures: conduct environmental activities that will boost the appeal of the areas along our railway lines and our facilities, and develop a corporate culture in which employees will actively participate in and contribute to vitalizing the areas along our railway lines and conducting environmental activities.
In the ECOnist Program, individual environmental activities from different internal divisions are collected and employees are invited to participate as volunteers. Externally conducted environmental activities can also be included by employees’ requests. Employees can obtain ECOnist certifications when they score over two ECOnist points a year by participating in environmental activities, etc.
Since FY2017, we have been awarding employees who obtained three ECOnist certifications as ECOnist Advanced, presenting them with certificates and commemorative gifts to enhance incentives.
In the first year in FY2014, only 43 people obtained ECOnist certifications compared to the target of 60. In FY2015, 100 employees obtained ECOnist certifications compared to the target of 60, after we included more activities as ECOnist activities (such as road management, cleaning activities, and weeding) and increased internal news release, where we ask employees to join and we announce the names of employees who have obtained ECOnist certifications. The number of employees who have obtained ECOnist certifications has been increasing to around 200 every year since FY2018.
The number of employees who have obtained ECOnist certifications

※Voluntary restraint of several activities in FY2020-2021 due to the Corona disaster
Sustainability Site Map
- Major sustainability themes (materiality)
- Identification processes
- Further seek safety, security, and satisfaction
- Thriving and friendly community development
- Create a future full of dreams
- Achieve an enriched life
- Develop a workplace and staff in a way that enables each person to put their abilities to use
Contribute to preserving the global environment
- Environmental philosophy
- Reducing CO2 emissions in response to climate change, promoting the use of renewable energy, and so forth
- Bringing about a circular society
- Preserving biodiversity
- Deepening our environmental management
- Expanding environmental buildings (green buildings)
- Responses to TCFD Recommendations
- Bolster a corporate foundation that is sincere and fair