Promotion of health management and
creation of a comfortable work environment

Basic concepts

We have implemented various measures based on the idea that employees must be healthy both physically and mentally to deliver "safety and security" to customers and to continue driving prosperity along our railway lines. We will strive to maintain and improve thehealth of our employees, aiming to create vibrant workplaces where each and every employee can feel "Bound for good times" while making more customers feel "something good." We will also endeavor to maintain and improve the health of our employees.

Declaration on Health

In June 2022, we announced a Declaration on Health.

Declaration on Health

Issued in June, 2022

Nankai Electric Railway Co., Ltd. is on a mission to provide customers with “safety and security” and to continue to enrich the life in areas along our railway lines as a company that provides public transportation services as its core business. We believe that in order to fulfill this mission, our employees must be healthy physically and mentally.

We are committed to creating lively places for people to work together so that many customers and individual employees can feel optimistic for the future, or “Nankaiine.” We declare that we will grow together with the community as a sustainable company with a strong will to create the future by helping our employees stay healthy and promote their health.

Health Management Promotion Committee

The Health Management Promotion Committee, which is chaired by the officer in charge of human resources and consists of representatives from each division, industrial physicians, the Nankai Railway Health Insurance Association, and the Human Resources Department, determines specific goals and policies for initiatives. Based on this promotion system, we are working to continuously improve health management by implementing the PDCA cycle, including verifying the effectiveness of measures and updating them as necessary.
Since FY2022, we have set a policy of "preventing disease outbreaks and preventing serious illness for those at high risk of disease," and are working to improve the rate of hospital visits by distributing a letter in the name of an industrial physician to employees whose health checkups reveal positive findings, along with a notice of the results, urging them to receive medical examinations.

Promoting health management

Measures taken to maintain and improve physical and mental health

We are putting measures in place to maintain and promote both physical and mental health in accordance with the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare's "Guidelines for the Maintenance and Promotion of Workers' Health in the Workplace."
In our efforts to identify the health conditions of our employees, we work for the early detection and prevention of diseases through health management, health guidance, health education, and health counseling based on our internal health management standards, led by our on-site occupational health team.

Indicators related to health management (non-consolidated)
  FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Periodic health examination
visit rate
% 100.0 100.0 100.0
Control rates for high-risk
% 74.3
Stress check inspection rate % 99.0 98.0 94.0
Average overtime per month hours 25.0 23.7 24.3
Smoking rate % 26.9 26.9 27.3
Percentage of people who are
regular exercisers*2
% 41.3 41.6 42.9

    1 Percentage of those who received a medical examination at a hospital among those
    recommended to receive a medical examination

    2 Percentage of those who walk or engage in equivalent physical activity for at least one hour a day in their daily lives

Specific measures and results

    For mental health, we offer counseling by designated psychiatrists. FY2021 saw three people returning to work under the Rework Trial Program (coming into work on a trial basis), nine people returning from sick leaves, and 19 people completing continued counseling. We have systematically conducted interviews to support our employees' early return to work. We also provide consultations with our industrial physician and public health nurse. In 2016, we established an external hotline for mental healthcare for employees who are concerned about their health condition, their families, and mentally unwell people to consult specialized counselors, etc. We also conduct stress check once a year (98% of employees took the stress check in FY2021).

    Our industrial physician and public health nurse help in prevention as well, offering health guidance not just for mental health but for illnesses in general, such as lifestyle diseases. In FY2021, our health insurance union provided specific health guidance to 115 employees.

    Our Health Management Promotion Committee (tentative name) talks with employees and reflects the findings in their health maintenance and enhancement measures.

    Our dining rooms are installed with opinion boxes so that employees’ opinions are reflected in improvements to employee dining rooms. We work with cooperating companies to reflect employees’ requests for menus, if any, so that we can offer dishes that reflect their views.

    introduced the "Rework Trial Program" to systematically facilitate the return of employees who were on leave due to mental health problems, and helped two employees return to work in FY2022. Our public health nurse provides internal trainings for our employees about the negative health effects of smoking as needed.

    The Nankai Railway Health Insurance Association also partially subsidizes treatment expenses for smoking cessation clinics for outpatients.

    We will also make the physical checkups available at no out-ofpocket expense when the optional benefit program is combined with subsidies from the Nankai Railway Health Insurance Association,thereby leading to the early detection of illnesses.

    Our Group companies Nankai Grief Support Co., Ltd., Nankai Fudosan Co., Ltd. and Nankai Vehicles Service Engineering Co.,Ltd., Nankai Express Co., Ltd., Nankai System Solutions Co., Ltd. And Nankai Management Service Co., Ltd. have been certified as one of the "2023 Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations (SME category)," which were selected jointly by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and Nippon Kenko Kaigi.

    Our industrial physicians and public health nurses help in prevention as well, offering health guidance not just for mental health but for illnesses in general, such as lifestyle diseases.

    Our Health Management Promotion Committee engages in dialogue with employees and incorporates their opinions in health maintenance and promotion initiatives.

    Opinion boxes in each dining room help us improve our services based on employee feedback. We also collaborate with partner companies to create menus that meet employee needs.

    We plan to renovate the head office dining room in November 2023 to enhance employees' physical and mental health. In addition to offering menus that help improve health, the renovated space is designed to prevent loss of concentration and foster better communication. 

    Starting in October 2023, as a response to exceeding legal working hours, we have extended the scope to include head office employees who worked over 60 hours for the last three consecutive months. We recommend they consult with the industrial physician regarding long working hours. Our plan is to gradually expand this guidance to operating divisions.

occupational health and safety

Occupational Safety Management System

To promote employees' welfare and ensure healthy business development, we have set up a Health and Safety Committee to prevent occupational accidents and enhance healthcare management at each workplace. The Health and Safety Committee comprises a Central Health and Safety Committee and Regional Health and Safety Committees.
The Central Health and Safety Committee facilitates communication among the Regional Health and Safety Committees and comprehensively oversees health and safety matters across the company. Chaired by the General Manager of the Group Management Division, the committee includes the chairpersons of each Regional Health and Safety Committee and industrial physicians. The chairperson convenes meetings as needed to establish fundamental policies for comprehensive health and safety management, review proposals from the Regional Safety and Health Committees, and address occupational accidents and healthcare management.
The Regional Health and Safety Committees focus on specific measures related to decisions made by the Central Health and Safety Committee and matters related to health and safety within their respective divisions. The general health and safety managers, who chair these committees, convene meetings to discuss matters directed by the Central Health and Safety Committee and address regional issues related to occupational accident prevention, healthcare management, and workplace ethics.

Implementation and results of measures to prevent occupational accidents with the aim of achieving zero accidents

The majority of work-related accidents are caused by unsafe behaviors. To prevent this, we conduct safety activities such as senior-proofing the workplace, building a system to predict hazards and prevent near miss accidents, and conducting risk assessments; identify where and what kind of risk factors exist in the workplace; formulate countermeasures; and raise awareness of hazards throughout the workplace. For work-related accidents that are caused by the actions of third parties, we take countermeasures by exchanging information with other companies in the same industry and utilizing the "Manual to Prevent Incidents Caused by Third Parties." In FY2022, there were 14 work-related accidents.*1
We introduced a risk assessment program to reduce the number of occupational accidents by identifying and quantifying a variety of hazards (risks) in the workplaces, evaluating the magnitude of the risk, and putting countermeasures in place (eliminate and reduce risks) before accidents occur. In FY2022, we carried out 82 risk assessments. Although we cannot implement countermeasures for all risks immediately, we recognize the risks and continue to address them until they are at risk level A (acceptable level).
In addition, our company and labor union officers conduct workplace safety patrols during the National Safety Week. We inspect the workplaces and report and discuss measures to prevent occupational accidents.

    1 Includes five cases of violent behavior by a third party

Lost work frequency rate※2 ※3

※2  Lost time incident rate = Number of casualties due to occupational accidents (more than one day lost from work) ÷ Total number of working hours x 1,000,000
※3  Scope of our identification : full-time employees(including non-regular employees) and contract employee,excluding seconded employees


Number of accidents

Work accidents (FY2022)

nine work accidents (of which one was a self-inflicted injury)

five work accidents (of which one was a violent attack from a third party) two accidents during commuting


mental health training


Number of participants:47 employees(employees in management and supervisory positions)


health and safety training


Number of participants:94 employees(new employees)

Creating pleasant workplaces

Proactively providing support for balancing work with childcare and nursing care

The Group has set "providing the industry's best working environment for human resources engaged in childcare, nursing care, etc., and senior human resources" as a medium-term goal.
As examples of our initiatives, in addition to our childcare leave system and nursing care leave/vacation system, since FY2021 we have been expanding support for balancing work and home life by extending the period of shorter working hours for childcare until the child reaches the beginning of the fifth grade of elementary school. Since FY2023 we have been introducing baby support leave (up to 10 days of paid leave that can be taken during the postpartum period regardless of gender). In addition, we make sure that employees on childcare leave will have a smooth return to work by sending them periodic internal newsletters (digital version launched in June 2021) and having them hold meetings with their supervisors.
As a result of these initiatives, the proportion of female employees who have taken childcare leave after giving birth and the rate of returning to work after taking leave has been 100% for ten consecutive years. In recent years, the number of male employees taking childcare leave has been on the rise, and the percentage of male employees taking childcare leave and other leave for childcare purposes in
FY2022 was an extremely high 90.6%.
These initiatives were implemented after formulating a general business-owner action plan in accordance with the Law for Measures to Support the Development of the Next Generation, and in March 2015, we obtained the "Kurumin Mark" after meeting the criteria as a "company that supports child-rearing" as defined by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.

Acquisition rate of childcare leave, etc. and leave for childcare purposes (non-consolidated)

Promoting the acquisition of annual paid leave

We are working to improve the annual paid leave acquisition rate by introducing a planned annual leave program, encouraging employees to take annual leave in half-day increments, etc. In FY2022, our employees' annual paid leave acquisition rate was 96.9% of the granted days, which is higher than the general acquisition rate (58.3%) according to the "General Survey on Working Conditions" published by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.

Annual paid leave acquisition rate (non-consolidated)

FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
90.7% 92.6% 90.9% 90.1% 96.9%

Promoting work-style reforms to improve work-life balance

To create a pleasant working environment for employees and promote productivity improvement through work-style reforms, we are gradually expanding the introduction of common collaboration tools for the Group. As of the end of FY2022, a total of 43 companies had introduced the system, and 10 new companies are scheduled to do so in FY2023. In addition, cloud storage enables us to share data securely and efficiently with internal and external parties, while promoting flexibility in where we work. As of the end of FY2022, a total of 13 companies had introduced the system, and 6 new companies are scheduled to do so in FY2023.
Furthermore, to make an environment in which employees can work flexibly according to their own work schedules and personal circumstances, a flextime system (a system in which employees can choose their starting time) has been introduced at our head office since FY2019, and a telecommuting system has been in place since FY2022.
While providing safe transportation as Essential Operators, the organizations engaged in railway operations are continuously working to improve work-life balance by reducing working hours and other measures.

“Initiative to Promote Relaxation and Excitement”

In recent years, employee engagement, which indicates how much employees trust and are willing to contribute to the company, has been attracting attention in Japan. We have been implementing the "Initiative to Promote Relaxation and Excitement" as an internal activity aimed at creating a workplace full of "Bound for good times."
As part of this initiative, we have launched the Nankaiine Card to increase employee motivation and promote communication among employees. The card has fostered a culture where employees praise one another, which has in turn improved their quality of work. In FY2022, our employees used approximately 9,600 copies of this card.
We have also launched a photo-sharing website for employees under the "Railway Ambassador Program," with the aim of educating employees about areas along our railway lines and fostering their pride in these areas. As of the end of FY2022, more than 400 employees have participated in the program, with approximately 400 photos posted in FY2022. This page is serving as a useful tool to learn about areas along our railway lines in an enjoyable way.

    2 Lost time incident rate = Number of casualties due to occupational accidents (more than one day lost from work) ÷ Total number of working hours x 1,000,000

Sustainability Site Map

Major sustainability themes