Respect for human rights and prevention of harassment

Basic concepts

As a public transportation business operator, we believe that respecting human rights is fundamental to our business activities.
We will respect the human rights of our customers and various other stakeholders, and strive to deepen our understanding of human rights issues related to our business activities and take appropriate actions. In addition, we are further promoting business activities that respect human rights.


Human rights policy

In August 2022, we established the Nankai Group Human Rights Policy to further promote business activities that respect the human rights of our customers, employees, and a variety of other stakeholders based on our basic concepts.


Nankai Group Human Rights Policy

Issued on August 1, 2022

1. Basic Concept

(1) Respect for human rights
We recognize that respect for human rights is fundamental to our business activities. We will conduct our business activities in accordance with international standards, including the UN “Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights,” and while respecting the human rights of our customers, employees, and a variety of other stakeholders.

(2) Prohibiting discrimination
We do not discriminate on the basis of race, nationality, region of origin, religion, thoughts, beliefs, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, or any other difference.

(3) Prohibiting harassment
 We will not engage in any harassment that offends personal dignity, such as sexual harassment, power harassment, or maternity harassment.

(4) Prohibiting unfair labor
We do not engage in any form of forced or child labor.

(5) Respect for workers’ rights
We maintain a safe and sanitary work environment and pay appropriate wages that exceed the minimum wage. We also respect the fundamental rights of workers, i.e., the freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining.

(6) Application scope
This policy applies to all executives and employees. We will also encourage all our business partners, including suppliers, to understand and support this policy.

2. Promoting initiatives

(1) Conducting human rights due diligence
We are committed to identifying, preventing, and mitigating negative impacts on human rights related to our business activities.

(2) Dialogue with stakeholders
We will strive to engage in dialogue and consultation with relevant stakeholders to address human rights issues.

(3) Correction and remedy
We will work to correct and remedy any direct or indirect negative impacts on human rights through appropriate procedures. We will also exercise our influence and take appropriate actions when suppliers and other business partners are acting in a manner that negatively impacts human rights in violation of this policy.

(4) Education and awareness
We will conduct the necessary training and educational activities to ensure that this policy is integrated in all business activities and executed effectively.

(5) Information disclosure
We will appropriately disclose information on our initiatives to respect human rights and our responses to impacts on human rights.


Awareness of human rights and harassment

Raise awareness of the correct understanding of human rights and harassment

Since 1971, we have been engaged in initiatives to raise awareness on human rights while upgrading their contents. Since harassment unreasonably harms the dignity of individuals, thereby leading to the deterioration of the working environment, we provide a hotline and conduct prevention training to inhibit different types of harassment, including power harassment and sexual harassment.
In addition, because of the increasing diversity in society as a whole, new topics such as maternity harassment, discrimination against non-Japanese people, and LGBTQ human rights are also addressed within the training to prevent prejudice and harassment due to differences in gender, nationality, sexual orientation, and other factors.

Number of employees who used the hotline

  FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Number of users 2 person 1 person 1 person 0 person

Various training programs

Training on human rights
(mainly for employees in management and supervisory positions)*

  FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Number of participants 135
Training hours 120

Harassment prevention training
(mainly for employees in management and supervisory positions)*

  FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Number of participants 142
Training hours 120

*In-person training for FY2018 and FY2019, online training for FY2020 and FY2021


Conducting human rights due diligence

We are committed to identifying, preventing, and mitigating negative impacts on human rights in relation to our business activities.
Since harassment is an important human rights issue, we conduct training for employees on human rights and harassment to prevent it from occurring, as well as training for those in charge of internal harassment consultation services to ensure that it is handled appropriately.


Human rights due diligence process

(1) Identify and assess negative impacts through stakeholder dialogue, etc.
(2) Introduce prevention and mitigation initiatives through education and awareness
(3) Conduct investigation and corrective actions in case negative impacts, etc. occur
(4) Disclose information on how it was handled


Outstanding human rights issues and stakeholder relevance

Outstanding human rights issues Examples of possible negative impacts Negatively affected stakeholders

Discrimination and harassment

Unjustified violation of personal dignity, deterioration of working
(Power harassment, sexual harassment, maternity harassment,
discrimination against non-Japense people, etc.)

All business partners, including
officers, employees, and suppliers

Occupational health and safety

Adverse physical and mental health effects, including work-related
injuries, due to the work environment and unsafe behavior

Human rights issues in the supply chain

Risk of human rights violations at the Nankai Group companies,
suppliers, etc.
(Human rights violations that have actually occurred and that
could occur)

Sustainability Site Map

Major sustainability themes