Trains stopping at this station
Koya Line
(Shiomibashi to Kishinosato-Tamade)
- Local
Barrier-free Information
The slope does not match the standards.
Assignment time of station staff
Station staff are absent all day.
Please use the intercom to call staff.
Information of surrounding facilities

Tsumori station opened in February 1913. The area name "Tsumori", which is also the name of the station, is said to have originated from the cultivated land "Tsumori Shinden", which was developed by two townspeople in the Genroku period, who bought the area that was kishu of the Kizu River from the shogunate. In the grounds of Tsumori Elementary School, there is a stone monument marking the site of the Tsumori Nitta Kaisho, where administrative affairs and annual tribute control were carried out in Tsumori Shinden. Tsumori Shrine, located on the west side of the school, was founded around the time Tsumori Shinden was developed. Initially, it was called Gosho Shrine, Gosha Daimyojin, and later Inari Shrine, but in 1871 it was renamed Tsumori Shrine.
Information of Tsumori Station
1-10-18 Tsumori, Nishinari Ward, Osaka City