Commuter pass

Search Train Fare

PiTaPa (IC commuter pass)

ICOCA (IC commuter pass)

Train/Bus connection commuter pass

Refund of commuter pass

Commuter Limited Express Ticket / Commuter Seat Reserved Ticket

Commuter Pass Office

Commuter passes can be purchased at ticket counters and ticket vending machines.
You can check the date when tickets go on sale and other information from here.

Available services are Minapita Card, JCB, VISA, Master, AMERICAN EXPRESS, Diners Club, Mitsubishi UFJ Nikos, AEON Credit Service, Toyota Finance, APLUS, and UC.

About fares to the commuter pass sales counter

If you are traveling from a station that does not sell commuter passes to a station that sells commuter passes, please use the ticket vending machine to purchase a special ticket for purchasing a commuter pass to the nearest station that sells commuter passes. This special ticket will be refunded when you purchase a commuter pass.