

Trains stopping at this station

Nankai Line
  • Section Express
  • Local


Transit to bus

Barrier-free Information

Wheelchair-accessible restroom
Ostomate Restroom
Nursing Bed
Mobility Scooters
Regular stocked Wheelchairs
Braille Guide

    Voice guidance is not provided.

Assignment time of station staff

    East Gate (for Wakayama City)


    West ticket gate (for Namba)



    Even if it is during the staff placement time, the station staff may be absent depending on the situation.


    If the station staff are not available, please use the intercom to call the staff.


Information of surrounding facilities

Hakotsukuri station opened in October 1898. There are various theories about the name of the place where the station name "Hakotsukuri" derived from. One of the theories are that it comes from “Hakogi-ri,” which is said that the sacred box that was shed during the renovation of Kamo Shrine in Kyoto has reached the coast of this area.
If you follow the old road in front of the east side of the station toward Wakayama City for about 500m, you will find Kamo Shrine. It is said to have been built when this area was a manor of Kamigamo Shrine, and the cypress bark-roofed main hall built in the Azuchi-Momoyama period is designated as a tangible cultural property of Osaka Prefecture along with the lanterns.
It is the closest station to Hakotsukuri Beach (Pichi Pichi Beach), which is adjacent to the prefectural park Sennan Satoumi Park.

Surrounding Facilities

Hakotsukuri Beach (Pichi Pichi Beach) 《15 minutes walk from the station》

[Address] 3346 Hakotsukuri, Hannan City [TEL/JP only] 072-471-5678

Information of Hakotsukuri Station


320, Hakotsukuri, Hannan

Neighborhood Map