The office which we manage in Namba aim not only to provide places to work,
but also to enrich the lives of tenant companies and workers based
on our concept of "nankaiine" (optimism for a better future) in day-to-day work.


NANKAI NAMBA WORKERS collectively refers to people who work at the office which we manage,
and we offer various special services.



"Nankaiine" (optimism for a better future) in day-to-day work

We want to bring a little color and "nankaii" to your working life,
not just on special occasions such as a successful presentation or a promotion,
but also each and every day you are at work.

By doing so, we want to help make your days a little brighter, and our world a little better.

We aim to help build a better society by providing "nankaiine" to all workers,
and to create offices they will love.




Namba is a place where work styles that provide the optimal work-life balance are attainable.

In this video, we will present seamless work styles that capture the essence of Namba,
set in the office buildings and shopping centers that represent the area.


Employee benefits available during both work hours and free time

We provide employee benefits that can be used at approximately 200 stores and facilities such as Namba Parks, Namba City, and NAMBA SkyO, as well as various events we host.
Exclusive Minapita point cards are also available.


Invitations to our events


An environment that caters to various work styles

Some buildings come equipped with exclusive free lounges with private booths for tenant companies, rental conference rooms, event venues, and more.
In addition, we also offer preferential treatment at our shared offices that are located in areas along our railway lines.
We support that diverse work styles that our modern age demands.


Free lounge with private booths (NAMBA SkyO tenants only)
Rental conference rooms and event venues at special prices
Partnerships with our shared offices and free availability of some spaces


Events to enrich your days off and time after work

There are various events for families to participate in and for different tenant companies to connect.


Family-oriented events
Business seminars


Business support for tenant companies

We provide business support for tenant companies and other companies.
This comes in the form of supporting and promoting interactions through various approaches, including business matching through our connections, and holding events for our own products in our office lobbies.


Opinion exchange meetings between tenant companies on trending topics
Test sales of our products using office lobbies and other spaces
Social gatherings for tenant companies